Thoughts on politics (Flemish, Belgian, European and Global), music, facts that arrouse my curiousity and whatever else happened in my/the world.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

T.V. Sky

A new addition to the line of legendary bands I just had to attend, yesterday!

The band was The Young Gods, famous for being one of the founders of industrial music and inspirators of the likes of David Bowie. Along with that they're one of the only big Swiss bands, and they named themselves after a Swans song. Not too bad for starters!

A minimalist stage, housing just a drum kit, a keyboard/sampler and a microphone stand (with built-in spotlight) was all there was, and as Al Comet, their Serge Gainsbourg-look-a-like keyboardist came on stage, it didn't look like he felt much for playing through the night.

However, as he hit the first note and singer Franz Treichler came on stage, the crowd broke loose. Their every move managed to move the people, their every sigh was felt throughout the venue. And still they were very approachable - walking around at the venue's bar before and after the gig - and were all smiles, silly faces every now and then even.

Each song got to hit the right spots too, sometimes rough and loud (with an amazing number of perfectly complementing layers), sometimes tender and fragile. Most impressive perhaps were perhaps the moments where the drummer seemed to want to go stir-fry the sounds in a wok-like instrument, the keyboardist playing on a guitar fitted with an extra hole as to sound almost perfectly like a sitar.

According to my personal sweat-to-music-ratio this must've been about the best gig I've seen so far this year, so big kudos have to go out to the Young Gods even though they're not so young anymore!