Thoughts on politics (Flemish, Belgian, European and Global), music, facts that arrouse my curiousity and whatever else happened in my/the world.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Yet another mea culpa?

The pope'’s first encyclical has been published today. It is titled "‘Deus Caritas est"’, or God is Love and it mainly deals with the fact the word '‘love' is getting abused too much these days.

For, the pontiff says, love is not so much the eros we take it for today, it is much more, or even better. Love is the eternal love of Jesus Christ and charity. Apart from the Jesus Christ bit I would agree with him on that, but I am not so sure if I would agree so much with his message when it is put into the right context. We can hardly forget what the institute church did in the past and is doing right now.

He says God'’s name is used in vain far too often, to justify hatred - again, I would agree on that if it was in a different context -– but does he not forget popes before about a century were little better than the warlords he is talking about? Does he forget all the people he excludes from his community, like e.g. homosexuals?

Also before he starts to talk about charity, he would better have a look around him first. He lives in one of the most exuberantly luxurious places in the entire world, on which he has to spend enormous amounts of money constantly to keep it in shape. And it is not only him, but also most of his Cardinals and Bishops around the world, and where they live the contrast with the neighbours is even bigger too often.

I think when he writes a document as pretentious as this one, he would better make another mea culpa first instead of starting to point at others.


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